Stories, Art, Food, Teaching, Travel, and the other Loves of my Life

Stories, Art, Food, Teaching, Travel, and the other Loves of my Life
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do / With your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver, "The Summer Day"

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hi. My name is Tristen, welcome to my blog.

I feel like I should say something about who I am or what this will be about. So.

I come from a small town, moved to the big city, lived abroad, then "settled" in the suburbs. I have a big family, but they feel too far away. I am finishing up my MA thesis as we speak, and am starting this in the hopes that I'll keep writing the way I have been for the last two years, minus the deadlines, plus the community.

I like food. And travel. And stories and art and animals. Rare combination, right?
I also get a wild hair every now and then and think maybe I was born to be on Broadway. (I have, for the record, no practical reason to think this). I am a newlywed. Still sorting out things on the new home front. I'm a teacher. I can throw a wicked fast ball.

So. If you like to make things, read and write things, eat things, and talk about things, pull up a chair. Stay a while.

Nice to meet you,

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