Stories, Art, Food, Teaching, Travel, and the other Loves of my Life

Stories, Art, Food, Teaching, Travel, and the other Loves of my Life
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do / With your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver, "The Summer Day"

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thesis Update:

I have written 134 pages of my thesis. I'm supposed to be calling it a novel, but it's more of a monster at this point.

I once went to a writing conference where Jane Smiley said "Don't even worry about the first draft. Just write it." I wrote that down in my planner and keep coming back to it when I realize this thing is a mess.

That's not the point, though. I have an actual due date. It's April 19th. And 150 pages, minimum.

Which means, I have four days to write sixteen pages. Which is not quite enough to make me panic. Which also explains why the beginning of this blog is so timely.

I mean, why write a thesis when you can write to yourself online?

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